Business woman Perishes on By pass

Business woman Perishes on By pass

By Ronaldo N Kalangi

Residents of Nansana are still in untold grief after one of their own got involved in a fatal road accident that claimed her life at Kyebando round about.

Esther Aidah Nanyonga, a city business woman met her death on Saturday morning after a car number plate UAK 217 C, Toyota Rav4 she was driving  had a head on collusion with a mobile Crane UAX 216S at Kyebando Round about.

According to police Metropolitan Spokesperson ASP Luke Owoyesigyire, the accident was caused by the deceased who was over speeding in order to attend a business meeting in town. “she was trying to over take and collided with the crane and died instantly body has since been taken to Mulago for Post mortem as investigations into the accident  go on.”he said.

He added that the two vehicles have also been towed away to police and traffic flow was back normal.

Owoyesigyire said that traffic police will continue investigating until the matter is concluded. an accessible web community

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