By Benson Tumusiime
The inspector general of police Gen. Kale Kayihura has authoritatively said that the two investors from Sweden and Finland who died in Ugandan hotels last week were invited on a forged letter!

It is indicated that Mr.Nordland Axel Andreas a Swedish national aged 41 years on February 5th 2018 was found dead in room 1213 of Sheraton Hotel and Mr. Terasvuori Tuomas Juha Petteri, a Finnish national aged 42 years was on 6th Febuary 2018 found dead in room 806 of Pearl of Africa Hotel.
Gen.Kayihura, through his divisional criminal investigative officer for Central police station Kampala (CPS) ASP Joshua Tusingwire, confirmed that the dead foreign investors were invited on a forged letter. (

ASP Joshua, while addressing the media before his boss Kayihura, said that when the deceased reached at the Entebbe Airport, they were approached by a protocol police officer and they told him that they want to use the VVIP section because that’s what they were told before.

ASP Joshua added that the protocol officer went ahead and asked them the necessary documents and they showed him the letter, which letter did not look familiar to other invitation letters. The officer went ahead and consulted the Liaison officer ISO at air port to ascertain whether he knew about the letter since it originated from the office of the director general,ISO.

ASP Joshua informed Kayihura that shortly after the ISO Liaison officer had called the office of the director general, the Director ISO Col. Kaka Frank Bagyenda sent his officers to pick the investors(deceased) and took them to his office where they later left and went to Pearl of Africa Hotel and Sheraton hotel where they were later found dead.
Joshua added that while investigating the matter with the aim of collecting enough evidence, they went to writing experts to prove whether the invitation letter was formal or informal.

While addressing the media at police headquarters, Joshua added that police went ahead and officially wrote to the director general ISO inquiring his response on what they had established as far as forging the letter was concerned. The investigative officer told Kayihura that the director general confirmed to them that the letter was forged and therefore they were also waiting for his response on statement recording, finger prints and thumb signs.
Progress into the investigation of Murder cases
Kayihura however said that police has gone ahead and made some progress in the investigations of the above mentioned death and came out with preliminary findings which indicate the cause of death. He said that the mission of police is to find out whether the death was intentional and while they still have some work to do based on scientific evidence that is post mortem and toxicology examination reports.
He said that basing on the reports got so far, Mr. Nordland Axel Andreas and Mr. Terasvuori Tuomas Juha Petteri, the cause of death was Hypoxia (Oxygen deficiency) following the mixed Drug intoxication that is taking in a concoction of substances including poisonous substances.
The police chief however said that police will stream line the department of Narcotics at the airport such that such kind of dangerous drugs can be prohibited from entering into Ugandan market.