By Alex Kalangi
Police have commenced investigations to hunt for thugs who broke into Offices of Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum in Mengo, a Kampala suburb. According to Kampala Metropolitan spokesperson Luke Owoyesigire, yet to be identified assailants first attacked two security guards whom they left badly injured.

“Guards were injured as they attempted to chase away these criminals but we have already started investigations and very soon they will be arrested”, said Oweyesigire.

While addressing the media, deputy Executive Director, Mr Anthony Mutimba revealed that two guards are currently admitted at Nsambya hospital for an operation after fracturing their heads.

Some of the suspected thugs’ clothes were torn and trapped by the barbed wire as they jumped over the perimeter wall with barbed wire on top..

Mr Mutimba says the motive of the suspected thugs is unknown since nothing was stolen from their offices.

“We suspect the attempted robbery is closely linked to the first attack where the thieves broke into the executive director’s office to steal some documents,” he added.
The offices were first attacked in May 2016. One of the security guards was killed in the attack and according to Mr Mutimba, police have never given them a report on their investigations or arrested any suspects. (