By Andrew Irumba
The Uganda Communications Commissions has with immediate effect suspended Spark TV’s “Koona” Program hosted by Miles Rwamiti, on grounds of breaching minimum broadcasting standards.

In a communication issued by UCC’s executive director Eng.Godfrey Mutabazi on Monday, Spark TV’s “Koona” breached what he termed as the stations’ ‘license terms & conditions’ when two of the three guests invited by its host and producer traded blows instead of discussion.
The no-nonsense Mutabazi not only suspended the program but its host Miles Rwamiti and his producer were also asked to step aside as the regulator awaits their official statement on what happened and the measures being taken to avert such in future or else the programme is completely banned.

According to the regulator, Spark TV on December 21st 2018, failed to prevent what they called unacceptable behaviour that infringes on broadcasting standards.

During the programme, fast fading Rubaga South MP, Kato Lubwama, whose original job was comedy before he crawled into parliament picked a fight with a music promoter known as Bajjo live in Spark TV studios!

“A preliminary review of the content of the subject program of “Koona” aired on 21/12/2018 revealed that by Spark Television allowing show guests to abuse, insult & physically attack one another on live television, Spark breached its license terms & conditions.

Section 31 (a) (ii) & (iv) of the Fourth Schedule of the Uganda Communications Act 2013, prohibit broadcasters from broadcasting any program or content that directly or indirectly promotes hatred or a culture of violence & likely to incite and/or glorify violent behaviours.

The regulator also condemned the host for not coming in time to restrain the guests from flexing on air.
Mutabazi also revealed that the commission has commenced investigations into the compliance of Spark Television, “professionalism of its presenters and the suitability of its programs.
Read full statement bellow:
Section 31 (a) (ii) & (iv) of the Fourth Schedule of the Uganda Communications Act 2013, prohibit broadcasters from broadcasting any program or content that directly or indirectly promotes hatred or a culture of violence & likely to incite and/or glorify violent behaviours.
A preliminary review of the content of the subject program of “KOONA” aired on 21/12/2018 reveals that by Spark Television allowing show guests to abuse, insult & physically attack one another on live television, Spark Television breached its license terms & conditions, the law. In addition, the conduct of the show host or presenter was unprofessional insofar as he failed to control and/or guide the guests against the violent behaviour they exhibited on live television.
The Commission has in accordance with section 45 of the Uganda Communications Act 2013, commenced full investigations into the compliance of Spark Television, professionalism of its presenters and the suitability of its programs.
The Commission has thus DIRECTED Spark Television as follows:
That Spark Television should within 24 Hours submit to UCC a written report showing what happened before, during & after the program, “KOONA” of 21/12/2018 as well as a copy of the recording of the subject program. That Spark Television should immediately SUSPEND airing of the show “KOONA” hosted by Mr Miles Rwamiti until such a time when @UCC_Official shall be satisfied that Spark TV has instituted the necessary measures to ensure that the show meets the regulatory standards.
That Spark Television should immediately SUSPEND the producer of KOONA show & Mr Miles Rwamiti, the presenter until after UCC is satisfied that the producer & the presenter have obtained the requisite skills to direct & present the show in strict compliance with the set standards.
That management of Spark Television should within 14 days make written representation showing cause why @UCC_Official should not suspend Spark Television’s license for breach of its license terms & conditions in accordance with Section 41 of the Uganda Communications Act 2013. Should Spark Television fail to comply with these directives, I shall proceed to take other regulatory sanctions against Spark Television in accordance with Section 41 of the Uganda Communications Act, 2013. The broadcasting sector should watch these proceedings with interest,