Tooro Kingdom’s Omukama Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi 1V Amooti is mourning his elderly Aunt princess Damali Noel Komukyeya Kankya Adyeeri, who circumbed to COVID-19 at the age of 72 this morning at her home in Buziga, a Kampala suburb.

According to family sources, Damali died of COVID-19 though no conclusive report has yet been done to confirm the actual cause of death. “Even last night we were praying with her on our family zoom around midnight and finished well, only to wake up in the morning to bad news. Our worior has gone, we suspect it’s COVID-19 though I can’t confirm for now,”Omubiito Karamagi told this reporter on phone.
Damali is daughter to late Omukama Sir George Kamurasi Rukidi III and late lady Kezia Byanjeru.Â

She is actually young sister to princess Elizabeth Bagaya, Gilbert Mujogya and late Omukama Patrick David Mathew Kaboyo Olimi III, father to reigning Tooro king Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi 1V.

Late Damali’s husband, Patrick Kankya from Bunyangabu works with African Union as Under secretary in the office of the Chairperson. Burial arrangements will be communicated later. Rip.