Anglican Bishop Sends Heartfelt Message To Catholic Church

Anglican Bishop Sends Heartfelt Message To Catholic Church

By Michael Atwakiire  

Bushenyi: West Ankole Diocese Bishop Rt. Rev. Johnson Twinomujuni on Saturday  June 29, 2019 sent a congratulatory message to Archbishop Paul Bakyenga, the Catholic Church leader.

Twinomujuni, who attended the centenary celebrations of Kitabi parish, said that  “On behalf of all Christians of West Ankole Diocese and on my own and Mama Joy as Bishop, I hereby congratulate  Archbishop Paul K. Bakyenga, Auxiliary Bishop Lambert Bainomugisha, Rev. Fr. Paschale Rukooko Episcopal Vicar for Bushenyi Vicariate, Fr. Robert Kakuru the Parish Kitabi Parish, all Priests, Catechists, parishoners and friends of the entire Kitabi Parish – upon attaining and celebrating your Centenary. Congratulations upon the 100 years of evangelization!” He added that “Indeed the Lord built His church on a rock (Mat. 16:18). In an ecumenical spirit and Christian brotherhood of Uganda Joint Christian council (UJCC), I pray for the Lord’s blessing upon you. May He reenergize you to focus more on evangelism for which Kitabi Parish has been known since her inception. We heartily appreciate a lot that the Lord has enabled you to accomplish since 1919. ( ”

Priests who were ordained

He  also added although there are some religious differences between the Catholic and Anglican churches,  they should dearly pray to remain united. “In all, despite our differences in theological and ecclesiastical emphases, let us keep together as brothers, united in the love of Christ, wishing one another well, willing to abide in Him as our Lord and Saviour. Let us also work together to promote education, hard work, and all other virtues that will enable us to develop our area, church and country. Let’s stay together in God’s love that unites us.” Rev. Twinomujuni said. He also hailed Archbishop Paul Bakyenga for being the best God’s servant for over 48 years, saying “Because of your good gospel you preach to God’s sheep, I and my family prepared for you a nice gift as a remembrance. I love your gospel and your Runyankole flow. Once again I wish you a Happy Birthday. ” Archbishop  Bakyenga said that he has been hearing and watching Twinomujuni on certain television station and that he has been praying  to the Almighty to meet him at  least once, which finally happened on Saturday an accessible web community

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