Breaking! Museveni, CJ Dollo Agree On Removing Bail Application Silently As 90% Of Ugandan Elites Are Submerged In Pastor Bugingo Marriage Conundrum!

Breaking! Museveni, CJ Dollo Agree On Removing Bail Application Silently As 90% Of Ugandan Elites Are Submerged In Pastor Bugingo Marriage Conundrum!

By Andrew Irumba

Here’s the thing; by the time Ugandan elites retire from pastor Bugingo, Makula marriage conundrum, both the public referendum and parliament, which are mandated to have key in-puts in the ongoing bail amendment debate, will have no space. It will be ‘time-barred’. This is after our spy landed on paperwork, in which it’s suggested that instead the Chief Justice Owiny Dollo will sign these new laws on bail, but will disguise them as simple court ‘guidelines’ that don’t require parliament or referendum of the entire general public!

Read Here: Proposed Bail Guidelines & Practice

“In EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the Chief Justice by article 133 (1) (b) of the constitution of the Republic of Uganda. these Practice Directions are issued this ….day of….2021,” reads a statutory instrument of 2021 on the new bail guidelines for all courts of Judicature issued by Chief Justice Owiny Dollo, of which if signed by himself it will become into force without parliamentary debate and approval.

According to our source within the Judiciary system, tactfully, CJ Dollo has sent the ‘proposed’ amendments to the judiciary system for validation as ‘a ritual’ but it will pass as sent.

Judiciary Reveals Date For Validation Of The New Amendments!

7 minutes after publication of this story, our reporter received a call from the Judiciary contesting the angle taken in reporting about the same. Via phone conversation, Judiciary’s Sheilla Wamboga said it was not true CJ and president had already ‘agreed’ to pass the new amendments, but that these were ideas that have since been sent to stakeholders for validation on January 5th. “These are ideas not cast out of stone. They were sent to stake holders and will be discussed and validated on January 5th. There’s going to be a meeting with the Uganda Law Society and the stakeholders to give views about the proposed amendments. So your story is misleading Mr.Andrew,” said Sheilla.

Read Here: Proposed Bail Guidelines & Practice

According to our source, the state wants to use the lee-way where the constitution allows the chief justice to give general guidance on the conduct and operations of courts to pas the same. If this allowed to pass, the amendments will be in force without parliament or referendum. CJ Dollo alone will sign them into law, added our source. “The idea was how to by-pass parliament and referendum, simple. And when they say they’re sending it for debate on January 5th when they’ve already sent us emails as lawyers warning us that attendance will be by invite, it means they will only allow those they think will simply agree with them to sign it into law. Those they perceive to be ‘hard’ have been asked  to send their opinions via email,” added our source.

Papers Awaiting CJ Dollo’s Signature In Order To Bury Bail

Delivering his remarks on the State of the Nation to Parliament chaired by Speaker Jacob Oulanyah on Friday, 04 June 2021 held at the Kololo Independence Grounds, Museveni said granting bail is a ‘provocation that will not be accepted.

‘’Those arrested over previous killings have been released on bail by courts of law. Why does someone who has been arrested for killing people be released on bail,’’ said Museveni.

Read Here: Proposed Bail Guidelines & Practice

But remember, the right to apply for bail is a fundamental right guaranteed by Article 23 (6) of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. Its basis is found in Article 28 of the same Constitution which states that an accused person is to be presumed innocent until he/she is proved or he/she pleads guilty.

Museveni promised to further engage Chief Justice Alfonse Owiny-Dollo, who was present at the event on the issue of bail especially to murder suspects…yes he indeed engaged him and as we speak, the process to scrap off bail is on the last inch as so-called Ugandan elites are still debating on whether it’s proper for city pastor Aloysius Bugingo to marry another woman when his previous marriage is still subsisting. an accessible web community

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