Fairway Hotel Donates 2000 Masks To UPDF, KCCA COVID-19 Front Line Teams

Fairway Hotel Donates 2000 Masks To UPDF, KCCA COVID-19 Front Line Teams

By Andrew Irumba

The Management and staff of Fairway Hotel Kampala on Monday April 20, 2020, donated a consignment of surgical masks to  Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) and Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) as part of their contribution to the fight against  the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

In their statement shortly after delivering the donation, Fairway Hotel Management stated thus; “As the world continues its battle with the global pandemic Covid-19, each of us shares a responsibility to put on some armor to defeat it. The professionals and medical personnel at the forefront of this battle are our soldiers, fighting and putting themselves at risk every day  to control the spread and eradicate the virus. It is our duty as a community to support and protect them.”

Mr.Samson Ombogo, Gm Fairway Hotel and his Management team hand over masks to the KCCA Team

They added that “Although the tourism industry has taken one of the hardest economic hits as a result of the pandemic, Fairway Hotel continues to support this fight by providing front liners at KCCA with Personal Protective Equipment of one thousand (1000) protective masks”.

government called on all Ugandans to stay safe, indoors and wear protective
coverings according to Ministry of Health Guidelines. As a result, Fairway
Hotel has put strict hygiene procedures in place to ensure the safety of its
employees and guests.

Ugandan has a duty, to stay safe, keep others safe and place the highest value
on human life above all” said Azhar Bandali Jaffer, Managing Director of
Fairway Hotel as his team donated 1000 protective masks to the Rt Honorable
Speaker Kampala Central Division Kiiza Sylvia, DMO Central Division Dr.
Walyomu, Honorable Ssemakula William, and Honorable Abdu Sozi.

Fairway Hotel Staff hand over surgical masks to the Task Force team from KCCA

“While we are not sure what a normal life will look like in the next few months, with the joint efforts of our communities and various agencies, we are committed to supporting our clients throughout this crisis in the best way we can. We look forward to welcoming you back to Fairway Hotel, ensuring that all health and social distancing protocols are in place. We are in this together, and we will come out of this crisis as a family,” said the Managing Director, Mr.Azhar Jaffer, who concluded by urging Ugandans to  Stay Home and Stay Safe!

The Hotel management also donated 1000 masks to the UPDF.

The masks were handed over to the Chief of Defense Forces Gen David Muhoozi by the Managing Director Mr. Azhar Jaffer.
Gen Muhoozi appreciated Fairway Hotel and other members of the public for continued support they give to the forces.

CDF Gen. David Muhoozi receives masks from Fairway Hotel MD Azhar Bandali Jaffer

The handing over ceremony of the said items was witnessed by Joint Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Joseph Musanyufu and Chief of Medical Services Gen. Dr Ambrose Musinguzi, who noted that the masks would be very helpful especially to the front-line soldiers. (https://590thefan.com/)

It should be noted that when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in Uganda, the UPDF attached its health experts and medical personnel to various teams to the fight against the virus.


It should be remembered that UPDF soldiers are also working hand in hand with the security team to enforce the presidential directives to prevent the spread of COVID-19 country wide as well as help in the distribution of relief food to Vulnerable communities, reason why they need the face masks, which are key in preventing the spread of  the virus, which is also airborne.

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