By Spy reporter
Kampala, Uganda: A report that was recently compiled about the current happenings at Makerere University and the conduct of Dr. Deus Kamunyu has gone missing without a trace.

The report had been compiled by a commission of inquiry instituted by MAK Vice Chancellor Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe to investigate grievances raised by lecturers and the conduct of members of the Makerere University Academic Staff Association (MUASA), who had been suspended by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe. However, yesterday when MUASA members met the University Council and Prof. Nawangwe, the lecturers were shocked to learn that a report which had been compiled about them was nowhere to be seen. Discussion of the said report was a major item on the agenda for the meeting between MUASA and the University Council. But calls from MUASA to the Council to table the report proved futile, which left many of the lecturers disgruntled. As a result of this development, the lecturers have since refused to call off the strike which they started two weeks ago, claiming that Nawangwe and the University Council have refused to fulfill their demands and reinstate the suspected MUASA members onto their jobs unconditionally. The situation at MAK currently has become so problematic for Nawangwe that he took to his tweeter account this morning and posted thus; “It is regrettable that MAK staff association leaders abandoned the positions we reached to return full normalcy to the University. Management is committed to breaking the impasse as soon as possible through constant engagement.” However, he opted not to mention anything about the missing report or the position of the University Council on Dr. Deus Kamyunyu and other MUASA members he suspended.
Prof. Nawangwe suspended Dr Kamunyu, the Makerere University Academic Staff Association (MUASA) chairman on January 17, 2019, for allegedly conducting himself in a manner that injures the reputation of the University and its leadership. He thereafter appointed a five-man committee to investigate Kamunyu’s conduct and that of other MUASA Members. Nawangwe claimed that Dr Kamunyu, a Lecturer in the Department of Forestry, Biodiversity and Tourism in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) was engaging in acts amounting to misconduct, including incitement with intent to cause disobedience and/or strikes to undermine the University Administration, acts that bring the University and University Officials into disrepute, intimidation of University Officials, using abusive and/or insulting language, slanderous and malicious attacks, insubordination, making false statements, among others despite several warnings and engagements with him. Now the lecturers demand for the report compiled by the investigators to establish what evidence Nawangwe based on the levy such allegations against Dr. Kamunyu. But the report is nowhere to be seen.