Shame! Kyenjonjo-FortPortal Road That Museveni Launched 9 Months Ago Washed Away By Elninio Rains!

Shame! Kyenjonjo-FortPortal Road That Museveni Launched 9 Months Ago Washed Away By Elninio Rains!

By Andrew Irumba

Fort Portal: The multibilion worth Kyenjonjo-Fort Portal road which president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, who is also the commander of all armed forces, commissioned during 2021-2026 presidential elections has been washed away by heavy rains that have punctuated a bigger part of October and November, TheSpy Uganda exclusively reports.

The 50 km rehabilitated road which was fully funded by the Government of Uganda at a cost of shs 119 billion, starts at Kyenjojo, east of Fort Portal on the road to Mubende and ends at T- junction near Mpanga market in Fort Portal Municipality.

The road was contracted to China Wu Yi construction firm.  Upon completion, it was commissioned by President Yoweri Museveni in December last year.

Our spy who was traveling along this road on Friday and last month found road workers, being led by a Chinese supervisor who refused to reveal his names, busy repairing the hardly one year old road since its launch by president Museveni.

Although the Executive Director UNRA-Ms Allen Kagina revealed at the commissioning of this road that it would last for 15years, the multi billion road already has cracks around Kibale forest area and some parts few kms from Kyenjojo Town heading to Fort Portal.

“The road was built with a high quality standard and we hope that it can last for the next 15 years,” she said then.

When our reporter asked one of the workers (names withheld) after the Chinese on ground refused to comment, as to why the new road hardly one year old is already under repair, the worker said the Chinese said it’s not their problem,but the corrupt Government workers who ask for refund of ‘layers’ if they want to continue having their contracts.

“We also asked our boss and he explained that it’s not their problem. That some big people in government ask them to refund money worth a whole layer of a road and they’re the ones who determine which contractor to award the project, so they put them in a box,” he explained.

According to this source, sometimes, they also have to reduce on the width or life span of the road to accommodate those Government big fish’s demands.

Although Police is always speedy and ‘excited’ to a portion cause of accidents to inconsiderate driving or speed, but narrow and potholed roads are the biggest contributors of road carnage. Many times, a driver is negotiating the portholes through a arrow road as they zigzag in the road, that’s how they then meet and collide and cause fatalities. Our efforts to get a comment from UNRA proved futile.

Pictorial Evidence Of This Road an accessible web community

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