Social Media Tax: Bobi Wine, RDC Nuwagaba To Be Hosted At The Popular Pan-African Pyramid Show This Friday

Social Media Tax: Bobi Wine, RDC Nuwagaba To Be Hosted At The Popular Pan-African Pyramid Show This Friday

By Samuel Opio

Kyadondo East Mp Ssentamu Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine is slated to be hosted at the popular weekly Pan-African Pyramid debate tomorrow Friday 13th August, TheSpy Uganda reports.

Bobi Wine, will be hosted together with Kaberamaido Deputy RDC cantankerous Moses Nuwagaba (commonly known as Entwiga, formerly UPC mouth piece,former Lubaga South MP John Ken Lukyamuzi and celebrated city lawyer Turyakira John Robert.

Situka Tutambule: Bobi Wine

The above panelists will discuss the controversial social media and mobile money taxes under the topic: “Social Media Tax clamps Down Africa’s Economic Progress & Freedom Of Expression”.

The taxes took effect from 1st July 2018 with social media users now paying a daily 200/- to access social media sites and 1% mobile money tax which was later reduced to 0.5%.

On Wednesday, The Ghetto gladiator cum legislator accompanied by journalists Raymond Mujuni (NBSTV), Joel Senyonyi (NTV) singer A Pass, Hilderman and others led a peaceful demonstration against the same. Clad in red, the group was blocked by Police as the crowd gained numbers,they were later dispatched with tear gas canisters by Police. (

The show that’s hosted by Founding Speaker Andrew Irumba will run from 5pm to 9pm at Fairway Hotel and the entry is absolutely free for everyone.

THE PAN-AFRICAN PYRAMID is an intellectual non-partisan discussion forum built on the Pillars of PAN-AFRICANISM, PATRIOTISM and NATIONALISM whose Ideal/pre-occupation is to REVIVE intellectual discourse among the youths with a bias of re-constructing our lost Pan-Africanism, patriotism and Nationalism Values and spirit. an accessible web community

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