7 Perish on Gulu-Kampala Highway

7 Perish on Gulu-Kampala Highway


By Ronaldo N Kalangi

Traffic police along Gulu highway are investigating circumstances under which Six people have perished on spot following a fatal accident at Tochi swamp along Gulu-Kampala highway.

The unfortunate scenes happened before crossing the bridge on Thursday morning.

Passengers who were travelling on two motor cycles were not spared.


Police spokesperson Emilian Kayima said that accident could have been caused by over-speeding drivers.

“Our investigators have started the investigations to ascertain what caused the accident,” he said.

He added that  a vehicle number  UBD 227C Noah knocked two motorcycles carrying passengers on UEF224A and UDK 215S left six bodies 3 for women and other 3 for men scattered on the road.

He said that some passenger pronounced dead in Gulu hospital where he was rushed in critical conditions to bring the total to seven.

He attributed the cause of accident on reckless driving saying four other victims are still nursing injuries in Gulu hospital.

Kayima intimated that police has embarked on finding the identities of the deceased and those still nursing injuries in the hospital.

All the wreckage has been taken to Gulu police station as the injured were also rushed to Gulu Referral hospital.

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