Another Honorable Thief? City Businesswoman Drags Bunyangabu MP Davis Kamukama To Police For Stealing Her BMW Monster Car! 

Another Honorable Thief? City Businesswoman Drags Bunyangabu MP Davis Kamukama To Police For Stealing Her BMW Monster Car! 

By Spy Uganda

Kampala: A city business woman who has ably identified as Fatuma Kyakuwa, commonly known to her peers as Abigail has accused Bunyangabu County Member of parliament, Hon. Davis Kamukama of stealing her vehicle, a BMW- UBE 258M.

Abigail alleges that the Dis-Honourable MP allegedly stole her car towards this year’s Easter holidays to go and ‘eat life’ in his constituency but up to date (this is June) he has never returned her monster ride.

City Businesswoman Drags Bunyangabu MP Davis Kamukama To Police For Stealing Her Car  
Abigail has since reported the case at Kikaaya Police Station but all In vain

How The Trickery MP Got The Car From The Owner

In an interview with our Chief Spy, Abigail ‘praises’ the MP of being a smooth senior con-man in town hiding behind the Honourable title. Kamukama, a street smart-Kikuubo businessman, by God’s grace found himself in Parliament in 2021, having ousted brainy Adolf Mwesigye, the current clerk to Parliament.

“Do you know how he got my car? My Batooro friends visited me at my apartment in Kisaasi and they came with a stranger (I didn’t know him) whom they later introduced to me as Hon. Davis Kamukama, MP Bunyangabu, that’s how we connected. He kept excusing himself going out to pick calls and he said he was handling many constituency issues. He later came back in the sitting room and claimed he needed to meet someone in Bukoto very very shortly (from Kisaasi to Bukoto is a short distance) and didn’t want to go with the car the person he’s meeting knows well. He needed to bump into him/her without their notice. He said he wanted to drive my BMW and would be back in few minutes, to which I ignorantly agreed to. Afterall, his friends whom he had come with were remaining with me. That’s what comforted me.

The moment he left, his phones went off! After many days, when he switched it on, to call him, he tells me the car hit the engine in Kyenjojo!  He was on his way to Bunyangabu! Geees, who does that?” Abigail narrated. 

It’s now 2 months Abigail has never seen her car and every time she calls the MP, he claims the car is in the garage being worked on.

Abigail has been pleading with Kamukama to return her vehicle but all in vain as seen in some of the WhatsApp Chats below.

Davis Kamukama responds

Three weeks ago, when our Chief Spy contacted him for a comment, Kamukama admitted he had the car, but quickly added it was in the garage being worked on.

“Yes I know about the issue, the car is in garage being worked on. It got problems in Kyenjojo on the way to Bunyangabu. I’m working on it before I return it to her, is that a problem?” he posed a question. Since Kamukama told this reporter that he was repairing it and would return it in two days, it’s now 3 weeks since our interview.

“Despite repeated promises to return it, up to date there is no sign of the vehicle as the MP continues to play hide and seek” added Abigail.

Kamukama’s Previous Saga Involving Theft Of A Car:

It should also be remembered that it’s not the first time the Honourable MP is being accused of stealing a car.

In June last year, Davis reportedly ran broke and decided to put a friend’s car as collateral to borrow money so that he would get the car back when he pays the debt. However, the borrowers had to write a sales agreement not a lender’s agreement so that in an event that he fails to pay, they would make no loss since the car is more than what he had borrowed.

According to sources, Davis had borrowed shs6m from a money lender and he put his friend’s car which he borrowed, as collateral without his knowledge but the agreement he wrote with money lender showed he had sold car.

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We shall keep you posted on further details about the same. Watch The Space! an accessible web community

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