Engabu Za Tooro Founder Steven Rwagweri On Cloud 9 As He Scoops Life Time Social Innovator Award

Engabu Za Tooro Founder Steven Rwagweri On Cloud 9 As He Scoops Life Time Social Innovator Award


By Spy Uganda

Stephen Rwagweri, the founder and Director of a Ugandan indigenous NGO – Engabu Za Tooro is nominated and will, in September this year, proceed to the Caribbean Island State of Dominican Republic to receive an Award of “Social Innovator Of His Time”.

In case you didn’t know, social innovators design and implement new solutions that imply conceptual, process, product, or organisational change, which ultimately aim to improve the welfare and wellbeing of individuals and communities.

Mr Rwagweri Steven


This award ceremony will be held during an international retreat and conference of internationally renowned entrepreneurs, social impact investors and funders in Miches City on the Island.


On the same occasion, Rwagweri will showcase the winning innovation and it’s recently incorporated international brand – African Continental Crafts Ltd as its implementing vehicle.

The Award is anchored on the recently published “Traditional Artisan Inclusion” which is a new business model built around cultural assets and artisan traditions in Africa and powered by African Continental Crafts Ltd designed as an impact based social enterprise with focus on contexts of the African Continent.

A decade ago, Rwagweri who is also a culture expert at UNESCO reclaimed the disappearing ancient traditions from his Tooro – Bunyoro motherland in Uganda like Koogere Oral Tradition and Empaako Naming Practice, revitalized their relevance and successfully petitioned UNESCO to inscribe them internationally for their perpetual protection.

The Award and Fellowship are animated by US-based Opportunity Collaboration and Convener.org which are globally leading networks of social entrepreneurs and social impact investors and funders.

The Award package includes expert mentorship, facilitation to promote innovation around the world and connections for the required funding and investments for the implementation at scale. Congratulations Mr. Rwagweri Steven 🎉🎉🎉👏

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