Exclusive: Britania’s US$5.3M New Bottled Splash Plant Finally Arrives, Production Begins Jan 2019!

Exclusive: Britania’s US$5.3M New Bottled Splash Plant Finally Arrives, Production Begins Jan 2019!


By Andrew Irumba

Just like we exclusively reported here last week that Britania Allied Industries Ltd, the pioneer manufacturers of house hold natural fruit juice-Splash would commission their 1st production of bottled Splash (PET) in January 2019,TheSpy Uganda can again exclusively report the machines are finally here and ready for the big task!

Off loading the Plant at the company premises on Wed. The PET bottling plant machines arrived a few weeks ago from Italy, accompanied by two senior technical Engineers Luciano Bolzoni (Installation manager) and Diego Zampino (his assistant) both from Europool Company Italy, the manufacturers of the plant. “We’re here to oversee the installation process and witness the 1st ever production of bottled Splash here in Uganda and specifically in Britania. We will be here for 3 months for installation and test production. Sometimes going back to Italy and back as we monitor efficiency before we officially hand over to in-house technical team, that’s our policy,” said Mr.Luciano.  He added that the mother company will always pay periodic visits as the manufacturers of the plant for technical support and technological updates that may be available for installation on the plant as technology is dynamic, he said.

By the time we went to press, installation at the Ntinda based juice maestros had started and it was ‘moving on smoothly’, according to Mr.Mark Collins Oyango, a Kenyan technical Engineering Consultant currently in Uganda to oversee the installation process on behalf of Britania.

“What we’re installing here is a master piece; it’s designed to be a multipurpose plant. We shall be able to produce both bottled Splash and water, but one at a time ofcourse,”he said.

R-L: Engineers from Italy Luciano Bolzoni (Installation Manager) and Diego Zampino arrived in the country and immediately headed to the company last week to start the installation process. Right is Kenya’s reknown Engineer Mark Collins Oyango currently in Uganda as head of project on behalf of Britania.

The new PET plant that cost the company a whooping US$3.5m has 15 automated containers for water treatment, water and juice processing, filling and packaging without human contact to avoid contamination.

The plant also comes with its own bottle blowing, processing and manufacturing unit in various moulds [sizes] to enable self-sufficiency in production. The company will not need external bottle suppliers since the plant comes with its own inbuilt machine to do that, Luciano explained.

“The only point at which a human being will touch the bottle is at the point of packing in a box ready for sale! Because then, the entire process is done, we give no chance of contamination,” explained Mr. Luciano.

The production manager for foods section Mr.Ajith Prasad said this would bring a new experience and ‘up to speed’ with customers’ demands. “We’re going to be producing about 12000 bottles of Splash and water per hour, this means that local farmer of passion fruits, mangoes, pineapple etc will have to triple their supply capacities, and that’s more money directly to the farmer and more building capacity to local economy,” he explained.

Bottled splash, once on the market this January 2019, will be competing with Coca Cola’s Minute maid Riham’s Ona and imported Afia among other juices.

Currently, Splash is only packed in tetra pack materials in 150ml, 250ml and 1Ltr sizes. The tetra pack has a silver lining inside that controls temperatures favourable for its longevity in its natural taste.

According to the company’s Director Finance, Mr.Mohammad Elzhorgani, the new exciting bottled Splash will come in 400 and 500mls, whereas water will be packed in 600mls and 1.5lr sizes.  It may be remembered that Britania once produced refresh mineral water but took it off the shelves.


Britania produces Splash in flavours of mango,Passion,Pinaeaple, Apple,Orange,Pina-Colada from coconut, Tropical fruit punch, Fruit Cock-tail and Simply-Hibi from Hibiscus flowers.

They also manufacture variety of Biscuits, Top up sauces, Sun-Sip among other products.

The Company’s General Manager Sales & Marketing  Mr.Ritesh Rajnikant Sheth in a previous comment said, the company was answering their customers’ needs by coming up with what they desire. “As you know, Britania is driven by customer demand, because we’re here to serve them, this new packaging is another testimony that the customer is our king. And forget not, I told you previously that our customers have ‘emotional connect’ with our products, this is it,” he said.

Unidentified female Engineer and her team on duty on Wed.
Engineer Mark stand on part of the 15 water treatment tanks already installed on Wed.


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