FDC’s Mafabi Re-Elected Bugisu Cooperative Union Boss

FDC’s Mafabi Re-Elected Bugisu Cooperative Union Boss


By Andrew Irumba

Budadiri West MP Nathan Nandala Mafabi has been re-elected the chairman of Bugisu Cooperative Union.

State Minister for Cooperatives Frederick Ngobi Gume oversaw the elections held at the union premises in Mbale town.

Two weeks ago Mafabi’s rivals attempted to halt the exercise with a court injunction but court overruled the petitioners.


“Bugisu has again accorded me the opportunity to serve as BCU Chairman. Am humbled by this honour and pledge that the BCU board which I lead will do all it takes to lift the lives of co-operators and protect BCU properties,” Mafabi wrote on his face book.

Mafabi said the increasing poverty trends in the country in the last 20 years are evident that the liberal economic policies cannot lift people out of poverty.

It’s only through associations like BCU that people and communities can be mobilised to improve their economic conditions, he argued.

The Forum for Democratic Change [FDC] secretary general said BCU stood surety to guarantee Uganda’s independence in early 60s, BCU built schools beyond Bugisu, BCU educated many of today’s intellectuals in Bugisu.

This is what BCU stands for, these are bench marks that Bagisu look forward to, Mafabi noted.

“I thank Bugisu for standing together to preserve their treasure and am optimistic that if we act together, we shall take our economic privileged position we once had in the country!”

He added: “Once again, I thank the delegates and the entire Bugisu for standing with me!”

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