Just In: First Lady Janet Museveni Tests COVID-19 Positive

Just In: First Lady Janet Museveni Tests COVID-19 Positive


By Spy Uganda

Kampala: President Museveni has confirmed that first lady Janet Kataha Museveni has tested COVID-19 positive after feeing unwell on Christmas day.

According to President Museveni, after a family lunch during Christmas, Maama Janet started having a sandy feeling in her throat and when she tested one of the tests revealed that she is COVID-19 positive.

”On Christmas day, after a family lunch, Maama Janet started feeling kukarakaatwa (sandy feeling) in the throat. We did a Rapid Corona test, which was negative. However, we sent another sample to Mbarara for PCR test and it came back Positive,” said Museveni confirmed on Thursday evening.


”Immediately, on the 26th morning, I had to carry out a test on myself so that we decide to manage the problem. The tests came back negative by afternoon,” says Museveni adding; ”We, therefore, decided for Maama to self-isolate in one of the houses at Rwakyitura while I continue with the programmes that we had arranged but not ones where Maama was involved. That is why we could not go to Kyenkwanzi or to Hon. Kaboyo’s function.” Museveni added.

Meanwhile Museveni has revealed that his results turned out negative and he will continue with his duties without the First Lady who has gone into isolation.

”I met General Daglo from the Sudan Civil war and today I will meet other guests and the Kiruhuura- Kazo Dairy Farmers on the 2nd of January. What is of interest is how I remained negative in spite of being with Maama all these days- sharing the room, the air-conditioned car to Entebbe and back to Nakasero. Was it because I am emponoka (survivor) of Corona of last May? Maama is now a first time corona warrior. She is doing well,” Museveni further noted.

Is COVID-19 Still A Threat?

According to scientists, COVID-19 is still a pandemic, and the virus continues to mutate into other variants, infecting people and in some cases, resulting in death in different parts of the world.

As of early May 2023, COVID-19 has caused nearly 1.131 million deaths in the U.S. and 6.92 million worldwide.

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