Just In! Kenya’s Chief Of Defense Forces Killed In Helicopter Crash

Just In! Kenya’s Chief Of Defense Forces Killed In Helicopter Crash


By Spy Uganda Correspondent

The Kenya Defense Forces Chief of Defense Forces Francis Ogolla is dead at 61.

Gen. Ogolla died Thursday afternoon after a KDF chopper crashed at the Kaben-Cheptulel border between Elgeyo Marakwet and West Pokot counties.

The chopper was reportedly carrying 7 passengers, but it is unclear if there were any survivors. Initially, police stated that 5 occupants had died and Gen. Ogolla was one of them.


The CDF and his delegation were coming from a peace mission in West Pokot and Elgeyo Marawkwe counties.

Gen Francis Omondi Ogolla joined the Kenya Defence Forces on 24 April 1984 and was commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant on 6 May 1985 and posted to Kenya Air Force.

In 2023, President Ruto appointed Gen. Ogolla as the new Chief of Defense Forces, taking over from Gen. Robert Kibochi whose term came to an end.

About a month ago, the president appointed Gen. Ogolla as the chair of a task force of the Development of Kenya Home of Human Origins Museum and Science Park in the Lake Turkana Basin steering committee.

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