Kayihura Sends Me Messages To Save Him from Mafias, But I’m Not Willing-Kizza Besigye.

Kayihura Sends Me Messages To Save Him from Mafias, But I’m Not Willing-Kizza Besigye.


By Micheal Bitunga

Sheema: Launching FDC campaigns officially in Sheema North constituency on Friday 28th September, at Kabutsye market in Masheruka town council Sheema District, FDC’s former president Rtd. Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye Kifeefe revealed that his former tormentor, former Inspector General of Police Gen. Edward Kale Kayihura nowadays ‘disturbs’ him, sending consecutive phone messages requesting him to fight for him (Kayihura) and save him from mafias with in the state that want to ‘finish’him!

“I really wonder and feel like fainting when I receive phone messages from Kayihura requesting me to fight for him such that we can save him from captivity, where I want him to remain forever.
This is the same hooligan who tortured me with teargas and gunshots to an extent of almost killing me, but I remember telling him that one time I was a personal doctor to Mr Museveni hence too close to him than how he (Kayihura) was by then, that but what Museveni did to me, he may do the same to him. I’m the happiest because now Kayihura has started tasting on them. So Sebo Kayihura, call your big guns and teargas to fight for you, otherwise, you are approaching the wrong person, I’m not willing to help you,” Besigye said as he received thunderous cheers from the crowds in approval.

He also asked Sheema North voters to always be open to Mr. Museveni like Rukungiri people whenever they get a chance to meet him.


He also requested youths who were asking him guns to join the bush to remove what they termed as ‘dictatorship’ to drop that, because they (Besigye and others) used it against the past regime but it instead bred another of the same. “Even if you give me every type of superior weapon on earth, I can’t go back to the bush because there is alot of suffering there, but it also produces same results, it’s the gun that will rule, not the people. I hear Mr Museveni calling himself Ssabalwaani, it wasn’t his powers to win the war but God’s grace and if I didn’t treat him, he couldn’t even spend there three weeks.
What I request you is to tell him that he is the only problem to Uganda, that it’s a right time for him to leave power,” said Besigye.

Former RDC Mitooma District Mr Guma Nuwagaba Betikura who is now Mp FDC flag bearer for Sheema North constituency said that what he knows about the government of Uganda is one,
“The Bible says that ‘speak the truth and it will set you free’ but the NRM government is vice versa, when you speak the truth, you become an enemy. They started hating me when I was still the RDC because I told them not to remove age limit. They almost sent me out of the meeting on that day.
This government is not only dead but also rotten,” said Guma.

On the same launch, FDC party president Patrick Amuriat Oboi advised voters to always elect young energetic people who can run and speak in parliament confidently but not old ones who are just puppets.
“I was told that ‘Mukadde’ Kibaaju (NRM flag bearer)  is over eighty years, I saw her recently but she couldn’t go on a steep minus being supported, now what do you expect her to do in parliament? ,just to sit and doze and if she wakes up, she supports the majority whether good or bad. Don’t be like Zimbabwe, tell her to come back home and look after her grandsons and daughters,” Amuriat





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