Kayihura’s Police Had Been Infiltrated By ‘Bean Weevils’-Museveni

Kayihura’s Police Had Been Infiltrated By ‘Bean Weevils’-Museveni


By Kobusiinge Monica

Just 4 days after replacing Police Chief Gen Kale Kayihura, President Yoweri Museveni has warned those behind the spate of killings of women that their days are numbered, given that the ‘bean weevil’ that had infiltrated the Uganda Police has since been removed.
‘‘Those criminals can be arrested only that Police had been infiltrated by a ‘bean weevil’ that was now removed, we shall now get them’’ the president said without naming the specific ‘bean weevils’.
The president made the remarks while officiating at the International Women’s Day celebrations in Mityana on Thursday.
In the same tone, the president did not have kind words for Uganda Prisons from whose custody, two murder suspects escaped recently during a court session in Masaka.

Museveni, wondered why the officers un-cuffed the prisoners and did nothing when they escaped.
Musa Galiwango and Muhammad Kidawalime; two of the persons arrested in the recent wave of murders and robberies that paralyzed greater Masaka escaped, taking advantage of a security lapse at the Masaka High Court where they had been brought for prosecution. The suspect standing in the dock jumped over it, landed just next to the court clerk’s table causing confusion into the fully-packed court room and suddenly fled through the main door.
The second suspect also took advantage of the ensuing confusion flying over the court fence and ran toward an estate opposite court and eventually entered a nearby forest.
Museveni also promised the women that government was planning to buy more equipment needed to find suspected murderers.
The seemingly disturbed Museveni wasn’t done yet, he turned his guns against men who beat their women and called them stupid.
“Any man who beats a woman is stupid and a coward. I’ve been with Janet for close to 50 years but I’ve never even pushed her, when we have our fights, i just leave her in peace and go somewhere else. Men stop beating women, we even stopped cattle keepers from hitting cows, what then makes you beat a woman? When you see a man beating a woman, know that he’s stupid and he’s a coward because if you want to fight, look for a fellow man”, Museveni said.

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