Mayinja, Kusasira Clash Before Museveni At Serena Concert

Mayinja, Kusasira Clash Before Museveni At Serena Concert

By Andrew Irumba

Kampala: Celebrated musicians Ronald Mayinja and Catherine Kusasira engaged in a bitter clash at her concert held at Serena hotel Kampala, on Friday night,  which was attended by President Yoweri Museveni and several other National Resistance Movement (NRM) patrons.

Our Spy reveals that trouble at Kusasira’s concert started when Mayinja stepped onto stage and performed his controversial song titled ‘Bizeemu’, which is highly regarded as political and anti-NRM.

But Mayinja’s performance of the song didn’t amuse Kusasira, who jumped out from backstage and immediately ordered the sound engineers to cut him off the microphone, because the song was not auguring well with NRM stalwarts in the audience, among the president Museveni.

Indeed Mayinja was thrown off the stage shortly thereafter, amidst protests from him and his fans.

When our Spy later asked her about the saga, Kusasira said that “I didn’t like what Mayinja did. He was not supposed to sing that song. The DJ played a different song and he sang a song he was not supposed to sing.”

However, Mayinja said that “I sang what I had to sing. I couldn’t sing what I hadn’t planned to sing. ( ”

But when President Museveni was commenting about Mayinja’s song he said that “This person who has sung about Bizeemu is not right. Although there are some of our beloved citizens who have been killed , it is not the government that killed them.

They were killed by killers who the government is fighting. But the past governments we fought were the ones killing people. Our government is  not killing people but fighting the killers! So there is no Bizeemu!” an accessible web community

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