Ministry Of Lands & Urban Dev’t To Hand Over 1,440 Certificates To Land Owners In Maracha & Koboko Districts

Ministry Of Lands & Urban Dev’t To Hand Over 1,440 Certificates To Land Owners In Maracha & Koboko Districts


By Spy Uganda 

The Minister of State for Urban Development Hon Obiga Kania has noted that the the Customary titles for Maracha that have been processed total 1,440 Certificates with an average parcel size per household standing at 2.4 Acres.

He made the remarks during a presidential tour in West Nile on 12th April 2023.

Kania said that the Ministry is implementing a very critical activity to register customary land and issue certificates of Customary ownership to families and clans in west Nile region.

He said the task has been implemented by Government with support from European Union (EU) and United Nations Capacity Development Fund (UNCDF).

“Your Excellency, NRM Government under the current manifesto pledged to give Customary land owners Government documents which prove ownership of their customary land,” said Kania.

He added that so far Maracha, Terego, Adjumani, Nebbi, and Koboko have begun benefiting from this intervention.

He noted that more customary land titles are expected to be processed with more support from the European Union targeting mostly the PDM beneficiary individuals, families and clans throughout the country.

The support is equivalent to UGX 32 billion targeting customary land registration.

“This is the best way to secure customary ownership rights and the PDM investments of customary land owners countrywide,” added Kania.

Koboko has one consolidated Clan title under the Communal Land Association for the Panyume in Ludara subcounty with over 7,000 beneficiaries. The acreage of the clan land is 5,252 acres. (Klonopin)

Kania said the beneficiaries now require guidance on what high value crops to grow in order to economically transform the families and clan members.

“I want to thank the District Land Management Intuitions of West Nile region for embracing land registration of customary land,” said Kania adding;

“I urge more families and clans to embrace this Government intervention because it is the only way land conflicts will be brought to an end in the post PDM period.”

Later, Kania invited the presented for a symbolic handover to 11 beneficiaries from the region and said the rest will receive their’s from the sub counties. an accessible web community

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