Museveni Will End Up In Trash Of History Like Previously Ousted Tyrants: Bobi Wine On France 24

Museveni Will End Up In Trash Of History Like Previously Ousted Tyrants: Bobi Wine On France 24

By Spy Uganda Correspondent

Johannesburg: The leader of Uganda‘s National Unity Platform (NUP), Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu – better known by his stage name Bobi Wine – has revealed that he was the real winner of January’s presidential election.

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In an interview with FRANCE 24 while on his tour in South Africa, Bobi Wine criticised Western countries and the African Union for their tepid reaction to what he describes as a fraudulent poll. He claimed President Yoweri Museveni was scared of the Ugandan people, especially the younger generation.

The opposition leader said he rejected a recent offer by Museveni for dialogue, stressing that the president’s “approach to dialogue has been either coercion or co-optation, but not real dialogue”.

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Reacting to Museveni saying that those responsible for the killings of protesters during the last elections would be prosecuted, Wine called this move “hypocritical”, claiming that the president’s oldest son – Major General Muhoozi Kainerugaba – was the main culprit behind the repression. The Ugandan opposition leader added that it was clear Museveni’s son was being groomed to succeed him and make Uganda a dynasty.

Wine described Museveni’s decision to welcome temporarily Afghan refugees on Ugandan soil as a move to “clean his image” internationally after the controversial election. He vowed to use all “legal and moral” means to oust Museveni from power, claiming the president will end up “in the dustbin of history”, in the wake of other dictators such as Omar al-Bashir or Robert Mugabe and Muammar Gaddafi.

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These come few days after Museveni was also hosted by FRANCE 24 an interview he used to condemn the African military coups with the recent one in Guinea, describing it as “a step backwards”. The Ugandan president said the coup leaders should face sanctions and “get out”.

The leader also was via the same interview that he blamed Rwandan President Paul Kagame for shutting the border between the two countries two years ago and denied claims by Kagame that he was acting as the master of the region.

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He also dismissed criticism by international human rights groups like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, accusing foreign powers of meddling in Uganda’s “internal politics”.

He also denied having been scared by the prospect that Bobi Wine, his main challenger, could win the election. He added that he was ready for dialogue with his rival something that Bobi Wine has severally snubbed saying can’t sit on the same table with ‘tyrant killing his supporters. (Zolpidem) ” an accessible web community

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