Myanmar Protest: ‘Garbage Strike’ & Candle-lit Vigils As Death Toll Passes 500

Myanmar Protest: ‘Garbage Strike’ & Candle-lit Vigils As Death Toll Passes 500

By Spy Uganda Correspondent

Burma: Myanmar protesters have held overnight candle-lit vigils and launched a civil disobedience campaign of hurling garbage on to streets after an advocacy group said security forces had killed more than 500 people since the 1 February coup.

Out of 14 civilians killed in Myanmar on Monday, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) said at least eight were in the South Dagon district of Yangon.

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State television said security forces used “riot weapons” to disperse a crowd of “violent terrorist people” who were destroying a pavement and one man was wounded.
In a new tactic, protesters sought to step up a civil disobedience campaign on Tuesday by asking residents to throw garbage on to streets at key road intersections. “This garbage strike is a strike to oppose the junta,” read a poster on social media.

The move came in defiance of calls issued via loudspeakers in some neighborhoods of Yangon on Monday urging residents to dispose of garbage properly.

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At least 510 civilians had been killed in nearly two months of efforts to stop protests, advocacy group AAPP said. The total killed on Saturday, the bloodiest day so far, had risen to 141, its figures showed.

One of the main groups behind the protests, the General Strike Committee of Nationalities, called on Monday in an open letter for ethnic minority forces to help those standing up to the “unfair oppression” of the military.

In a sign that the call may be gaining more traction, three groups in a joint letter on Tuesday called on the military to stop killing peaceful protesters and resolve political issues.

The groups – which include the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, the Arakan Army and Ta’ang National Liberation Army – warned if the military did not do this they “will cooperate with all nationalities who are joining Myanmar’s spring revolution in terms of self-defence”.

READ ALSO: Myanmar Update: Protesters Return To Streets For 10th Day Despite Bloody Brutality, Abductions Of Top Critics & Internet Blackout

Insurgents from different ethnic groups have battled the central government for decades for greater autonomy. Though many groups have agreed to ceasefires, fighting has flared in recent days between the army and forces in the east and north.

Heavy clashes erupted on the weekend near the Thai border between the army and fighters from Myanmar’s oldest ethnic minority force, the Karen National Union (KNU).

About 3,000 villagers fled to Thailand when military jets bombed a KNU area after a KNU force overran an army outpost and killed 10 soldiers, an activist group and media said.

Thai authorities denied accounts by activist groups that more than 2,000 refugees had been forced back, but a Thai official said it was government policy for the army to block them at the border and deny access to outside aid groups.

Myanmar’s military has for decades justified its grip on power by saying it is the only institution capable of preserving national unity. It seized power saying that November 2020 elections won by Aung San Suu Kyi’s party were fraudulent, an assertion dismissed by the election commission.

READ ALSO: After Overturning ‘Democratic Election’, Myanmar’s Military Warn Protesters Not To Destroy Democracy!

The US trade representative Katherine Tai said it was suspending all trade engagement with Myanmar until the return of a democratically elected government.

But foreign criticism and western sanctions have failed to sway the generals, and Aung San Suu Kyi remains in detention at an undisclosed location, with many other figures in her party also in custody.

Britain has called for an emergency UN security council meeting on the situation. The 15 members will sit behind closed doors on Wednesday with a briefing on the situation by the UN’s special envoy on Myanmar, Christine Schraner Burgener.

The council has previously condemned the violence and called for a restoration of democracy, but has not yet considered sanctions against the military, which would require support or an abstention from Myanmar’s neighbour and ally China. an accessible web community

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