Pay For Your Sins! Police Slaps Murder Charges Against Two Officers Who Shot Hon.Macho’s Body Guard

Pay For Your Sins! Police Slaps Murder Charges Against Two Officers Who Shot Hon.Macho’s Body Guard

By Spy Uganda

Kampala: Police yesterday charged two police officers who allegedly shot and killed No.239621Pt.Kakai Ivan the former bodyguard of Hon.Macho Alfred the MP for Busia Municipality.

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It is alleged on 15/11/2020 at Sophia A, Eastern ward, Busia Municipality in Busia District, D/ASP Javuru Patrick attached to Crime Intelligence and No.56810 Cpl Chelogoi attached to Flying squad unit with Malice aforethought caused death to the deceased Kakai Ivan.

According to Police, “Investigations were conducted and upon completion, charges of murder were preferred against the suspects” arraigned to Busia court yesterday 10th December 2020 that remanded them till 7th January 2021.

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“Police regrets this unfortunate incident, and assures the general public of our commitment to the dispensation of timely justice with utmost impartiality,” Twiine M.Charles PRO CID said.

How Kakai Was Killed

According to preliminary information, Chelangat approached the legislator’s vehicle that was parked along the road in Sofia village at around 11:45 am on a Sunday morning shortly after arriving at Devine ministry of deliverance church for prayers.

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Macho told journalists that four plain-clothed police officers on motorcycles had earlier on trailed his vehicle for unknown reasons. According to the legislator, he heard gunshots minutes after entering the church, only to see his bodyguard running while making an alarm for help with the flying squad officer in hot pursuit. (

Rashida Phanice, an eye witness said that he saw two armed men dressed in black and red jackets approaching Macho’s car and shot the bodyguard who attempted to flee but they followed him and shot him in head and fell behind the church building.

Ignatius Bwire, a resident said it is unfortunate that the incident happened in front of Sofia police station in broad daylight and no action was taken. an accessible web community

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