Police Okays Bobi’s Kyarenga Concert

Police Okays Bobi’s Kyarenga Concert


By Denis Turyahebwa

The Inspector General of Police (IGP) Martins Okoth Ochola has given a green light to Ugandan pop star Bobi Wine’s Kyarenga concert.

In his reply to the Kyadondo East MP real name Robert Kyagulanyi’s letter requesting for security at the music show slated for November 10, 2018 at One Love beach – Busaabala, the head of Police Operations Directorate, Mr Asuman Mugyenyi on behalf of the IGP asked the Kampala Metropolitan Police Commander, Moses Kafeero to provide security at the show.

“Reference is made to the above subject matter in relation to the request made by the Firebase Entertainment to hold the Kyarenga Album launch. Liaise with the organizers and appropriately provide the required services,” reads part of Mr Mugenyi’s letter addressed to KMP commander on behalf of the IGP.

Police full statement

Flanked by other musicians like Nubian Lee, King Saha, Jennifer full figure and Zex, the Kyadondo East MP on Monday told journalists that his fans were free to party until dawn and those willing to spend a night at Busaabala were also free to do so.

He also revealed that he already informed police about his show and expects them to provide security as revellers will pay Shs10, 000 each.

“At the Kyarenga concert, everyone is a VIP,” he said.

This followed numerous attempts to have the concert staged at Mandela National Stadium, Namboole all in vain.

Police called off the concert early this month arguing that the organizers had not been cleared by the Namboole management while the second attempt received a red flag from FUFA, the football governing body in the country citing delicacy of the pitch ahead of the AFCON qualifier game against Cape Verde slated for November 17, 2018.

The other attempt was again blocked by the Namboole management arguing that the said venue was already booked for a wedding reception though unconfirmed reports later indicated that the said wedding never existed.

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