Police Seal Off Bobi Wine Home To Block ‘Osobola Ku Independence’ Concert

Police Seal Off Bobi Wine Home To Block ‘Osobola Ku Independence’ Concert


By Andew Irumba

The Uganda police have Wednesday morning deployed heavily at the home of Kyadondo East Member of Parliament Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine, to prevent him from going to his One Love Beach in Busabala, where he was slated to hold a concert dubbed ‘Osobola Ku Independence.’

Bobi Wine and Firebase crew had organised a concert dubbed Osobola Ku Independence at One Love Beach Busabala but the police refused to grant him permission to stage it, citing that they had not received clearance from their superiors to okay it.


However, during a press conference he held yesterday, he vowed to protest against the police’s cancelling his concert.

But we have learnt that Police sealed off Bobi Wine’s house on Tuesday night and by Wednesday morning no one could be allowed to enter or move out of Magere.

Police at Bobi Wine’s home

Bobi Wine commented about the blockade by writing on his Facebook timeline thus;

“My home in Magere is yet again under police and military siege! At about 11:00pm last night, they surrounded my home in Magere as well as One Love Beach Busabala, in another move to place me under house arrest and block our Independence Day music concert. The 156th concert so far! These are the same people who claimed not to have enough security to secure our people at the show. Yet, they have enough manpower to instill fear, harass citizens and block the show!

Cops surrounding Bobi Wine’s home

These cowardly actions must be resisted and condemned by all democratic forces. President Museveni has been attending concerts of his praise singers. The greatest level of hypocrisy is to say that when you sing praises for his dictatorship on stage, you’re not doing politics and when you oppose his regime of blood and national shame, then you’re doing politics and your concert will be blocked with impunity.

Recently, President Museveni went ahead to register himself as a musician in another futile attempt to counter Bobi Wine. If he wants to compete with us musically, it should be fair play. Let the population decide who they want to listen to. THIS IS OUR COUNTRY, and friends, we shall certainly overcome. (littlegermanytucson) “

Heavy deployment at Bobi ‘s home

However, efforts to secure a comment from police spokesperson Fred Enanga over the matter were futile, since he was not answering his known phone numbers.

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