Regrettable! Three Kasese NUP Leaders Badly Tortured, Finally Released With Bloody Wounds-Says Bobi Wine

Regrettable! Three Kasese NUP Leaders Badly Tortured, Finally Released With Bloody Wounds-Says Bobi Wine

By Spy Uganda

It must be a sad moment for the National Unity Platform (NUP) party, human rights activists and Ugandans at large after security operatives releasing Kasese opposition members badly tortured after 21 days in detention.

The above information has been revealed by NUP president Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu aka Bobi Wine who announced this evening that Tembo Hamza and Bisogho Alazarius were driven out of illegal detentions and taken to Kireka SIU where they were asked to record a statement and then released on police bond before being driven in that dumped them in Kasese with their deep wounds all over their bodies.

Bobi Pens;

”After 21 days in a CMI torture chamber at Mbuya, our NUP Kasese District Registrar Samuel Masereka and his two other colleagues (Tembo Hamza and Bisogho Alazarius) were driven out, and taken to Kireka SIU where they were asked to record a statement and then released on police bond. They were charged with engaging in subversive activities. They then drove them in a drone and dumped them in Kasese where they arrived at about 6:00pm yesterday.

According to Masereka’s account, he has been undergoing torture every day and being asked what NUP is planning to do in Kasese and Rwenzori sub-region. They asked him specifically, why he has been mobilising support for NUP in the area. Like all comrades who they abduct and torture, they asked him what the plans of different leaders in NUP are. As always, they ordered them not to dare talk to the media about the torture or to show their injuries to the press!

Comrades and friends, this is what is happening in Uganda! The world must not, and cannot continue to watch on as a military regime does this to citizens.”

Remember that the group was arrested by security personnel last year from Kamaiba ward in Kasese Municipality and charged with plotting to overthrow the government.

The group arrested then included; Bryan Basisa, the NUP Kasese District Chairperson, Geoffrey Bwambale, the NUP coordinator for Bundibugyo, Atanazio Isanat, a party member from Ntoroko District, Isaac Mumbere-NUP flag bearer for Nyamwamba division in Kasese in the last general elections, and Oniz Kule, a Boda Boda rider from Hima town. an accessible web community

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