Security Guard Guns Down UPDF Basketball Player

Security Guard Guns Down UPDF Basketball Player

By Ronaldo N. Kalangi

A Uganda People’s Defence Force basketball player has been gunned down by a private security guard in Mbuya, a Kampala suburb.

Geofrey Ogwang, was shot on Friday by a security guard attached to SGA, deployed at Stabex Petrol station in Mbuya.

Police in Kampala says that the deceased was going home but a boda boda rider he was using decided to go to Stabex for fuel, but the fuel pump attendant decided to serve the motor vehicles first, it is from there that an argument between Ogwang and security guard erupted. Later after a heated verbal exchange, Ogwang was shot and died instantly.

Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF) has however released a statement saying that Ogwang was not a soldier but a support staff. According to Lt.Col Deo Akiiki the late Daniel Ogwang had on many occasions been practicing his Basketball skills with the UPDF team based in Bombo, he was not a soldier. (

“The UPDF Sports fraternity is aggrieved by this unfortunate loss of such a young talent and grieves with his family at such a loss. It is saddening at how his future has been cut short in a senseless shooting,” he added

He went on to say that police is investigating the matter and that the killer will certainly be brought to face justice for his brutal action. an accessible web community

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