Shame! 10 Police Officers Detained For Stealing Millions From Thieves

Shame! 10 Police Officers Detained For Stealing Millions From Thieves

By Spy Uganda

In another shameful act involving Uganda Police, its 10 officers have been kicked behind bars for allegedly stealing Shs146m from suspected thieves.

It’s reported that the thieves robbed over Ugx400m from a Burundian national on April 27, 2023, immediately after stepping out of the Forex bureau in Makindye.

Volunteers called police to rescue the victim, and after the officers reaching the crime scene they promised to follow the case and make sure the victim gets justice.

Unfortunately the said police officers reportedly without even opening a case file or even alerting the superiors about the case, they secretly tracked the suspects to Gangu, Masajja in Makindye Division and recovered cash of about Ugx185m and went into silent mode.

However later, the said officers are said to have reached out to Criminal Investigations Directorate and informed them that they only recovered Ugx74million.

Reports quote Patrick Onyango, the Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson as saying that efforts are underway to recover all of the stolen cash so that it can be turned over to the distressed owner.

“After investigations, the investigators reached a conclusion that the 10 officers who participated in the arrest of the suspects should be questioned again and their homes search[ed] with the intention of finding the missing money,” Onyango is reported to have said.

After the arrest and search, he said, the investigators didn’t recover any money or other material evidence thus releasing the officers on police bond as investigations to trace the missing money continue. an accessible web community

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