Shooting Was Accidental: New Twist In The ‘UPDF Officer’ Who Shot Dead Nephew Over Cowdung

Shooting Was Accidental: New Twist In The ‘UPDF Officer’ Who Shot Dead Nephew Over Cowdung

By Michael Atwakire

Sheema: TheSpy Uganda first published a story yesterday where Peter Mbweebwe, a UWA security officer allegedly shot dead his nephew,Winston Mugizi over cow dung.

However, new information emerging now points to a bar browl emerging out of a quarel between two adult drunkards who were gulping booze faster than normal in order to beat up curfew hours,but ended up drinking themselves silly.

“To set the record straight, these two relatives (Peter Mbweebwe and Winston Mugizi) were great friends,there was nothing like a fight. They were in a bar together drinking,when time for curfew came,as a security officer, Mbweebwe reminded every one who was in the bar to start leaving as per presidential directives on curfew hours.

But jokingly and sturbonly,his nephew started arguing that they needed more time to finish their drinks.

Then his nephew jokingly said he needed to keep his uncle’s gun for him so that he could be more comfortable to have their drink with out a gun in their amidst,so when he jumped to pick it,his uncle also held it more firmly unto his chest,in that scuffle of trying to restle it from him, a bullet went out accidentally and unfortunately shot him. But it wasn’t something intentional,” Peninah Musiime, a sister to the officer told this reporter Tuesday morning.

Contrary to the above, DPC Birungi had told our reporter previously that the root cause of the incidence was Mbweebwe’s cows that have been destroying Mugizi’s plantations and that he had told Mbweebwe to fence his farm such that the cows stop destroying his plantations, although he latter refused.”

She added that “It is alleged that when the Mbweebwe refused to fence his farm, Mugizi decided to get a heap of cow dung from Mbweebwe’s farm and took it to his plantations without the latter’s permission. So yesterday at around 8:00Pm in Omukabaare trading Centre, in Bugongi village, Captain Mbweebwe and Mugizi, who are alleged to have been drunk, quarreled over the cow dung, which forced the Captain to shoot Mugizi in the chest, killing him instantly.”

Meanwhile, we’ve also reliably learnt that the UWA officer isn’t a UPDF staff like it was first reported. Mbweebwe is a member of Uganda wildlife Authority (UWA) security personnel, which is an independent entity from the army.

Mbweebwe Is Not Our Staff: Brigadier Richard Karemire The UPDF Spokes Person

“If he was our staff he would now be in detention at 2nd Div. Hqs and not Kabwohe Police station where he is now. (davidlawrencecenters) Uganda Wildlife Authority is an independent entity and not under the UPDF. That warden’s uniform has 3 stars the way you see some Immigration Officers also donning 3 stars on their shoulders, that does not make them members of UPDF,” Brig.Gen.Richard Karemire,the UPDF’s spokesperson clarified via a WhatsApp chat on Monday afternoon after reading the story.

Peter Mbweebwe a security personnel of Uganda Wild Life Authority (UWA) in Bwindi Impenetrable National park, shot dead his nephew Winston Mugizi on Sunday night at around 8:00Pm, using an AK-47 gun.

As we report now Mbweebwe is being detained at Kabwohe Police station and according to area DPC Birungi, Mbweebe will be arraigned in court soon to face charges of murder when investigations are completed. an accessible web community

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