Thanks For Your Greed, Just Pay 10M & Go: Ex Minister Kabafunzaki Convicted Of Corruption

Thanks For Your Greed, Just Pay 10M & Go: Ex Minister Kabafunzaki Convicted Of Corruption

By Spy Uganda

Kampala: The Anti-corruption court in Kampala has convicted former Minister for Labour Herbert Kabafunzaki on charges of corruption and ordered him to pay ”only ten million” in exchange for a three-year jail term.

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Arrested in 2017 on accusations of milking Shs5m bribe from Hamid Mohammad Mohammad, Kabafunzaki was arrested but later applied for bail presenting his wife Doreen Kabafunzaki among others as the sureties.

After securing bail, Kabafunzaki allegedly went into hiding with suspects; Brian Mugabo, his personal assistant, and Bruce Lubowa, his cousin, whom court said have gone into hiding mode for almost two years which prompted Anti-Corruption Court Judge Margaret Tibulya, to grill his wife Doreen Kabafunzaki to produce him back to court which she reportedly failed.

READ ALSO: Sacked Minister Kabafunzaki Bribery Case Takes New Twist As Co-Accused Vanishes!

Back to the ruling, Court heard that in 2017 when Kabafunzaki was serving as junior minister for Labour was recorded on camera allegedly picking up a bribe of Shs5m from Hamid Mohammad Mohammad, Aya Hotel owner (now Pearl of Africa Hotel) to help clear him of sexual harassment accusations.

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As a result, he was charged with two counts of corruption contrary to sections 2 (a) and 26 of the Anti-Corruption Act 2009 and one count of conspiracy contrary to section 390 of the penal code Act thus an order of paying a tune of UGX 10million failure of which he’d have to serve three years in prison.

For failure to appear before court as his bail terms, Court has ruled that the money he paid to get bail has now been taken thus, it will not be refunded. Court has issued an arrest warrant since even the ruling was made in his absence. If arrested as per the arrest warrant, Kabafunzaki will be jailed and only gain his freedom after paying the Shs10m and bringing evidence of payment to court.

In addition, seemingly connected Kabafunzaki is barred from holding any public office for 10 years although this is contrary to a punishment of ‘poor’ former OPM accountant Godfrey Kazinda who will serve both 40 yrs in jail and pay back billions over similar charges. an accessible web community

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