By Andrew Irumba
Kampala: Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) has said they have closed Senana Hyper Market along Buganda Road to carry out inspection on some of the products.

According to UNBS, their team of inspectors made a field visit to the supermarket and explained to its management about their contravention of the law in regards products they are selling and temporarily closed it.
“The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is mandated by the UNBS Act Cap 327, to enforce standards in protection of the public against consumption of dangerous and sub-standard products. The same act prohibits the importation, manufacture, sale, distribution or holding for the purpose of selling any product that does not meet compulsory Uganda standards,” UNBS said. (Clonazepam)

“The UNBS (Inspection & Clearance) Regulation 2022 also requires all products imported into the country to undergo UNBS Inspection and clearance, before their release to the market for public consumption.”
UNBS further noted that Senana supermarket without inspection and clearance which is against the law, they exited a container from a bonded warehouse.
“ Senana is co-operating. Once the inspection is complete, and the goods meet requirements of the respective compulsory Uganda standards, the supermarket will be reopened.” the standards body added.