UPDF Soldiers Shoot Traffic Officer For Towing Military Vehicle

UPDF Soldiers Shoot Traffic Officer For Towing Military Vehicle


By Spy Uganda

Earlier today morning a suspected Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) soldier shot and deeply injured a traffic police officer after a road accident fracas on Kira road.

According to sources, the UPDF officer shot Police Constable Robert Mukebezi, who was seated on the passenger side of a breakdown truck that had come to tow a UPDF vehicle that had knocked a signpost of Kobil fuel station when they were intercepted by soldiers in a double cabin vehicle with military license plates at Ntinda traffic lights at around 6am.

The soldiers then asked traffic officials where they were towing the military vehicle, and they responded to the police which saw one of the soldiers discharging several bullets on the passenger side of the breakdown injuring Constable Mukebezi in the leg.

The source quoted by one of the dailies adds that the soldiers allegedly dragged the bleeding officer out of the vehicle and dumped him on the ground before ordering the driver of the breakdown to drive the wreckage to Mbuya.

PC Mukebezi was later picked by the police and taken to Mulago National Referral Hospital Mulago in Kampala City where he is said to be in critical condition after losing a lot of blood.

This has been confirmed by the Uganda Police Chief Political Commissar, AIGP Asan Kasingye who revealed via Twitter thus; ”Someone shot a traffic officer on Kira road following a minor accident this morning. What awaits such a rash, negligent & intentional act.”


The same has been confirmed by UPDF spokesperson Col Ronald Kakurungu via a statement revealing that UPDF and Uganda police have launched joint investigations into the incident that occurred as the hunt for the suspect is ongoing.

“Preliminary information indicates that there was a misunderstanding between the traffic officer and the soldier regarding recovery of a military vehicle that was involved in the accident. In the process, unfortunately, the traffic officer was shot and injured in the leg. The officer was rushed to Mulago Hospital and fortunately, he has been stabilised and out of danger. The suspect is still on the run, but a search for him is underway and very useful clues leading to his arrest have already been obtained,” said UPDF spokesperson, Lt Col Ronald Kakurungu.

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