Why Is U.E.D.C.L Asking Money For Pole Service?-Kikube Residents

Why Is U.E.D.C.L Asking Money For Pole Service?-Kikube Residents


 By Andrew Irumba

Kikube District:Officials from Uganda Electricity Distribution Company Ltd (U.E.D.C.L) are once again in the spotlight for allegedly demanding money from locals of newly created Kikube District in order to give them electricity poles. Kikube is a new district that was cut out of Hoima District and was put under the rural electrification programe project which was supposed to be free.

It should be noted that U.E.D.C.L and the Rural Electrification Agency (ERA) recently announced a campaign to extend power lines to people in rural areas free of charge. (Clonazepam) They thus urged people to apply for power connectivity through the project, such that they could be connected unto the national power grid.

However, residents of Kikube district have written to Spy Uganda complaining that although they were promised free connection to the power grid, some unscrupulous U.E.D.C.L officials were actually demanding for money which they claim is for pole services.


Below is the residents’ letter they wrote to Spy Uganda complaining:

“We, the residents of Kyarushesha and Wairagaza in Kikube District applied for electricity when the promotion was announced that if you live within 90 meters from the main road, you get a free pole. When U.E.D.C.L  officials came for inspection, a one Emmanuel Mugabi and Benjamin, from Kabwoya office told us to pay shs500,000/= each in order to be registered for pole service. We managed to give them shs300,000/= each of us to get surveyed but up to now they haven’t brought the poles and when we call them they just abuse us on phone. We are appealing to government to come and intervene in our matters and tell us how much money we are supposed to pay,” they wrote.

However, when called for a comment, Emmanuel Mugabi denied knowledge of such claims. “First of all, I don’t work in Kikube District, I work in Kagadi District, there is no way I can assign myself in another District, that’s a lie. But also, we who work in field are used to such allegations, when someone wants a service from you very fast, they tend to craft lies to attract attention and sympathy and finally get the service at the cost of your reputation, we’re used,” said Mugabi.

Benjamin’s known phone number was off when called for a comment before filing this report.

However, similar complaints have been raised by many other Ugandans who want to get power connections, where by UEDCL staff asks for ‘pole service’ money. Such complaints have recently been raised by Mukono residents who even asked their members of parliament Betty Nambooze Bakireke to raise it on the floor of parliament as an issue of national importance.


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