Uganda Muslim Supreme Council Secures Court Order Halting Sale Of Their Properties In Dispute With Businessman Justus Kyabahwa

Uganda Muslim Supreme Council Secures Court Order Halting Sale Of Their Properties In Dispute With Businessman Justus Kyabahwa

The Court of Appeal in Kampala has halted the sale of Muslim property in a bid to recover UGX19.2 billion loan.

On Thursday, Court of appeal granted an application filed by the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC) to halt businessman Justus Kyabahwa from auctioning some of their assets in a bid to recover his money.

The appellate court, presided over by Deputy Chief Justice Richard Buteera, along with justices Geoffrey Kiryabwire and Irene Mulyagonja, approved the stay of execution pending the appeal.

UMSC contends that the lower court never heard their side before allowing Kyabahwa to attach nine of their properties.

Although the Court of Appeal justices did not provide explicit reasons for stopping the property sale, they declared that the ruling would remain in effect until the resolution of the main case.

The Commercial Division of the High Court had granted Kyabahwa permission to auction nine properties owned by the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council to recover a sum of shs19.2 billion.

Despite UMSC’s unsuccessful attempt to prevent the sale in a previous appeal, a single judge of the Court of Appeal had declined to stay the execution of the order to attach and sell the properties. an accessible web community

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