Ham co-owns the real estate company with his uncle Edward Nakibinge Kaggwa (Ham owns 99 percent shares whereas Nakibinge owns 1 percent).

The contested land is located on the stretch lying between Victoria Serena Hotel and Mirembe Villas.
“Land Details
 Kyadondo Block 273 Plots 23974, 23975, 23976, & 23977, land at Kigo.
 Total Acreage is 37.767 Hectares/93.322 Acres.
 It is situated between Serena-Kigo and Mirembe Villas land, off Munyonyo Spur Road, and extends inwards sharing common boundaries with Serena-Kigo, Mirembe Villas and the Lake.
 Usable acreage is 78.086 Acres whereas 15.236 Acres incorporate access roads.
 The said land is a Freehold land granted by Wakiso District Land Board and the Freehold Land Titles were issued in November 2019 by Wakiso District Land Office.
 The subject land falls under ‘Public Land’ formerly Plot 20 and referred to as, ‘Total Lake Area’, originally measuring approximately 289.34 Acres.
See layout for the location details.
2. The misconceived Kingdom of Buganda owned Land:
 Private Mailo land on Kyadondo Block 273 Plots 87, 99,110 & others, land at Kigo.
 It shares boundaries with the public land (already described above), mainly comprising; Mirembe Villas, Kigo Prisons, part of Serena Kigo land, taking part of the Munyonyo Spur Road outwards beyond the Munyonyo Spur.
 It is composed on Final Certificate (F.C 18454) formerly Plot 96 and originally measuring approximately 16 Square miles and 228 Acres.
 3. Developments:
Above: Proposed Ham Sports Club
 Kiham Enterprises Uganda Limited is in the advanced stages of building an Integrated Sports Complex called Ham Sports Club. It is intended to Identify, Nurture and Promote Ugandan Youth Talent domestically, regionally, and internationally. It accommodates 3 state of the art football playgrounds (including 2 training grounds), 2 Olympic size swimming pools, World Class Gym, 4 basketball courts, 4 tennis courts, 4 netball courts, all indoor games, accommodation facilities and a grade four medical health facility.
This project is going to bring a lot of social-economic transformation to many Ugandans at large with Buganda inclusive.
 In light of the above, the project proposal was submitted to NEMA for review and subsequently, a NEMA approval certificate was obtained n December 2020 clearing the project to take off.
NEMA approval certificate obtained in December 2020 clearing the project to take off
 Additionally, there was the need to open up an access road to the project area, and thus a request for access off Munyonyo Spur was made to UNRA 0n 2nd November 2020 and following several inspections by the UNRA Kampala Station team, permission was granted on 23rd November 2020 under strict conditions including notifying them before the commencement of works for effective technical guidance and Supervision mainly on the drainage channel widening
UNRA Kampala Station team, permission was granted on 23rd November 2020.. reads in part
UNRA Kampala Station team, permission was granted on 23rd November 2020.. reads in part
 before the commencement of any activities as far as opening up an access road is concerned, Kiham Enterprises (U) Limited contacted the local leadership through the L.C 1 Chairman of Kigo Prisons Cell, who also re-emphasized the need to widen the drainage channel that runs across the Munyonyo Spur Road and further welcomed the project.
Kigo LC1 letterÂ
 Efforts were made to contact the neighbours and notify them about the projected activities but with minimal breakthroughs. However, we shall continue to engage the two neighbours (Mirembe Villas & Serena Kigo) to work together mainly in harmonizing the drainage expansion activities in the area.
 On 8th March 2022, Kiham Enterprises commenced with the works of expansion of the drainage channel (under technical guidance and supervision of UNRA) and opening up an access road for the Sports Club Project.
4. Going forward, Kiham Enterprises (U) Limited welcomes the following:
That a joint boundary opening exercise of both the Freehold land titles comprised on Kyadondo Block 273 Plots 23974, 23975, 23976, 23977 and the Kabaka Private Mailo land t comprised on Kyadondo Block 273 Plots 87, 99,110 & others is carried out to seek clarifications and ascertain the true location of both properties and as a way of confirmation that truly, the two properties are separate, do not overlap into one another, one is a Private Mailo and whereas the other is Public land, and that the only common dentifier of the two properties is the shared Plot Boundaries and the fact that they all fall in the same Block and County.”