Police Grills Mk News Link Journalist Over Defamation

Police Grills Mk News Link Journalist Over Defamation


By Micheal Atwakiire

Bushenyi: Police in Bushenyi led by the District Criminal Investgations Department (CID) on 17 July sealed off Mk news link offices located next to Bushenyi District headquarters, arresting and grilling Mr. Wilber Muhwezi Kasibante the Managing director of an online news source. (Valium)

Kasibante was arrested at around 10pm and taken to Mitooma Police over allegations of publishing a story on 4th July 2019, accusing Mitooma town Clerk Lawrence Mbabazi for slapping Shallon Nabasa at Karo Hotel waitress.
“Mitooma town clerk Lawrence Mbabazi has been arrested for allegedly beating a hotel waiter over food bill,” reads the headline of the news story published.

It is alleged that the beating happened when a waitress requested the Clerk
to pay Ugx30,000 for the food he had eaten at Karo hotel in Ishaka town.


The Hotel Manager Christopher Ntambi confirmed that it was true, the Clerk beat up his employee. “The clerk came with two friends among others his girlfriend, took lunch and before leaving the place, his home wife abruptly showed up. At that Juncture, they started fighting going outside which prompted the waiter to follow them asking for her money and in a scuffle instead of paying, he beat her,” said Ntambi.

Kasibante was later released on bond after Members of Bushenyi Journalists and Media Association (BJOMA) led by their chair Chris Mugasha, Make Bushenyi Great Again (MBUGA), Civilian General and Plus Five Bushenyi Associatee members intervened .

Members of BJOMA together with Make Bushenyi Great Again, Civilian General and Plus Five Bushenyi Associatee members in solidarity to rescue Kasibante

Kasibante wondered why Police would treat him in such unprofessional way besides being a law abiding citizen.
“I wonder why they used a hammer to kill a house fly, am a law abiding citizen of Uganda, if they summoned me to Mitooma Police, I would have immediately complied,” he said.

He was requested to report back to Police on Monday 22 July to renew his bond.

RPC Greater Bushenyi Mr. Eddie Serunjogi ordered ASP Rwanyonga to quicken investigations and hand over Kasibante’s computers, phone and other gadgets that Police had confiscated.

Meanwhile, the news editor Crane radio Entuuha together with Komuhimbo Mary
Akiiki, the Kanyonza morning show presenter were verbally summoned to report at
Mitoma police station tomorrow to record statements for airing the same news

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