Report: Uganda Registers Increase In Coffee Earnings, Export Volumes Shot Higher In July

Report: Uganda Registers Increase In Coffee Earnings, Export Volumes Shot Higher In July

By Spy Uganda

Uganda’s July coffee export earnings shot up 26% year-on-year, helped by a 12% rise in volumes shipped thanks to a bumper harvest, industry regulator Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) said.

The country earned $105 million from the July shipments, up from $84 million last year, while export volumes during the month rose to 645,832 60-kg bags, UCDA said in a report late on Tuesday.

Uganda mostly cultivates the robusta variety and is Africa’s largest coffee exporter, followed by Ethiopia.

The crop is among Uganda’s leading foreign exchange earners.

“The monthly coffee exports performance was higher than the previous year … partly on account of a good crop harvest in South-Western region and the prevailing good prices on the global scene,” UCDA said.

There has been a dramatic rise in Uganda’s coffee export revenues – it exported 6.26m 60kg bags earning $862.28m in 2022 compared to $559.16m in the previous year.

The country’s coffee is a critical part of the economy and its importance is growing. Over 1.8 million households grow coffee, and coffee contributes nearly a third of the country’s export earnings, paying for critical infrastructure like roads, hospitals, and schools. an accessible web community

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