Video Evidence! Shameless Spenah Beach Boss Asiimwe Was Thrown Out Of Protea Hotel Over Similar Issues Before Coming To Kabuye’s Beach, Attempted To Forge Titles!

Video Evidence! Shameless Spenah Beach Boss Asiimwe Was Thrown Out Of Protea Hotel Over Similar Issues Before Coming To Kabuye’s Beach, Attempted To Forge Titles!

By Spy Uganda

Last week we broke a story from Entebbe where a one, Mr John Asiimwe had rented space at former Entebbe Mayor Steven Kabuye’s Lake shore land to run an entertainment business under Spenah Beach flagship. The tenancy agreement seen by the mighty Spy Uganda, gave Asiimwe a 5-year term, with terms and conditions. However midway through the contract, it’s alleged that Asiimwe changed goal post and claimed that he was no longer a tenant, but a landlord, and would therefore not pay rent fees anymore! Although last week, while in a joint security meeting chaired by Deputy RDC Wakiso in charge of Mukono, Jacqueline Kankunda, Asiimwe, again changed goal post and said he was a tenant, but would leave only if the landlord compensated him shs1B for the sand he poured at the Beach trying to beautify it.

Now, our reliable sources in Entebbe whom we’ve been interacting with, in trying to fully understand Asiimwe’s character, have intimated to us that the same Asiimwe was kicked out of Protea Hotel lake shores as he turned rowdy, refused to pay rent and was found while attempting to forge ownership papers (titles)! Our source also intimated to us that the owner of the Hotel, only identified as Mr Ssegawa, whom Asiimwe wanted to defraud is actually his own uncle.

“But those people brought Asiimwe on board without consulting their neighbour (Protea Hotel owner) why he kicked out his own son from his place like a chicken thief. This is his own uncle who chased him. The guy was trying to forge papers. He started asking him how he got a land title on the lake, this is the same question he’s now asking Kabuye,” said the source.

READ ALSO: Entebbe RDC, Top Security Gurus Visit Spenah Beach Ahead Of Thursday Handover

To understand the genesis of the entire controversy, mighty Spy Uganda took a step to dig deeper into the entire saga and below is nothing but the purely naked truth.

On April 3, 2017, Entebbe former mayor Kabuye Stephern rented his land to Spenah beach businessman Asiimwe John at a rate of USD 2400 per month, for a period of five years, ending in August 2021.

This Tenancy/Landlord Agreement, Signed By Asiimwe John In 2017, Clearly Defines Each Party’s Role & Capacity-Landlord/Tenant Relationship

However, along the way, Asiimwe and his company Spenah Entertainment allegedly defaulted on rent for a period of six months, which prompted the owner of the property, Kabuye, to seek repossession of the facility.

By that time, Asiimwe had defaulted rent amounting to USD 37, 200 being outstanding rent for the period running from December 2019 to May 2021, minus the utility bills outstanding as of that date.

Through his lawyers of Sabiiti & Co. Advocates, decided to grant Asiimwe a rent waiver for the months of April and May, thereby reducing the outstanding bill to USD 8,400, being the unpaid rent for the months of January, February and March of 2020 and part of December 2019.

But instead Asiimwe, using a certificate of NEMA’s approval of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Municipal clearance letter for his business, claimed to own the land!

Watch The Video Above Asiimwe Being Grilled By Kabuye’s Lawyer, Grace On How He Turned From A ‘Tenant To A Landlord!’

The above act triggered Kabuye’s lawyers to ink a termination letter to Asiimwe as they could not stand his alleged fraudulent acts anymore. Indeed, in a video clip, our senior spy has landed on, Asiimwe is heard claiming he has somersaulted from being a tenant to a landlord! Shameless Asiimwe goes on to claim that he derives the ownership rights from the NEMA and Municipal Authority clearances he obtained to run his beach on the land.

READ ALSO: You’re Illegally Occupying The Land-Entebbe Deputy RDC Orders Spenah Beach Boss To Vacate Land In 5 Days

To make matters worse, before Kabuye terminated Asiimwe’s tenancy agreement, his lawyers wrote to John several demand notes, whose express instructions he ignored with a “DO WHAT YOU WANT” demeanour.

Kabuye’s Termination Letter To Errant Tenant Asiimwe

Meanwhile, when National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) learnt about Asiimwe’s fraudulent acts including using their clearance fraudulently as evidence of ownership of land, they recalled it and cancelled the same.

After NEMA’s action, Asiimwe who seemingly felt defeated ‘home and away’, bounced in high gear with a fresh argument about how Kabuye got a title on the shores of Lake Victoria! But remember he hasn’t asked the same question to all the neighbouring Beaches there like; Protea Hotel which has a permanent structure at the shores, or even a famous city tycoon [names with held] who has a permanent official home inside the Lake!

READ ALSO: Exposed: Here Is Boastful ”Gen Saleh’s Son” That Threatened To Shoot Kabuye’s Workers During Eviction Of Errant Spenah Beach Boss

Eviction Vs SFC Violence

After losing in Nakawa court, court threw out his case for lack of locus standi, Kabuye sought and received a letter, from Uganda Police on October 5, 2022, in which the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Martin Okoth Ochola clearly directed the Entebbe Aviation Police to; ”Provide security to ENABLE the landlord (Steven Kabuye) re-enter his land.”

Uganda Police Letter Authorizing The Eviction

As a law-abiding citizen, Kabuye presented both Court documents and IGP’s letter to the head of security in Entebbe District, the Resident District Commissioner (RDC) for smooth implementation of eviction. This saw the Deputy Resident District Commissioner (D/RDC) Jacqueline Kakunda cause a security meeting and gave Asiimwe an ultimatum of 5 days to vacate Kabuye’s premises in peace or else be kicked out.

After the ultimatum period ended, on Thursday 13, October, Kabuye’s workers found Asiimwe still occupying the premises and in an attempt to evict him, Aviation Police blocked them without clear reasons.

READ ALSO: Pictorial: SFC Soldiers Brutalize Journalists For Covering Eviction Of Spenah Beach Boss

On Friday, Kabuye’s workers managed to throw Asiimwe out and all his property but unfortunately immediately after this, SFC soldiers from Entebbe State House engulfed the beach like bees and started beating up residents who had come to help in the eviction exercise. They also brutally assaulted journalists who were covering the scene. Sources at State House told our spy that when these soldiers were grilled by their bosses over the shameless act, they defended themselves that they responded to a suspected gun thuggery alarm, a joke that leaves ‘bleeding wounds on the hearts of the victims who were left at the scene nursing deep injuries inflicted on them by the soldiers!

After the above acts, Police rushed to the scene and closed the beach gates and according to our source, they got instructions (on phone) reportedly from the Minister of State Lands, Sam Mayanja, and allegedly Minister of Internal Affairs General Kahinda Otafiire to take over the premises till further notice, contrary to IGP’s letter that clearly directed police to enable Kabuye peacefully repossess his land. an accessible web community

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