By Michael Atwakiire
Sheema: Mbarara archdiocese on Wednesday paid tribute to former Mbarara town Clerk and staunch Catholic Mzee David Bashakara from Kabwohe, in Sheema district, who passed way on Monday due to diabetes and high blood pressure.

Bashakara was the longest serving town clerk for Mbarara municipality after serving 18 years. He has been Mushanga Parish council chairman for 12 years and famous for fighting for his Catholic religion Rev. Fr. Vincent Mucunguzi Masteady, the parish priest Mushanga parish who led the requiem mass at Mushanga Catholic Church, said that the Catholic community has been struck a big blow.
“From Monday when Bashakara died, Mushanga has been so quiet, which means even birds which usually make a lot of noise were shocked by the bad news. I share with him one character; Bashakara, who is lying in front of us here, has been a trustworthy man. If he knew the truth, no matter who you are or which position you hold on this planet earth, he couldn’t be bribed. You either agreed or disagreed to agree with him. I request you children of his not to adopt that character because of being what I have explained it to you, he has been antagonized by those who love lies.” He added that “I’m saying this without fear or favour; the death of Bashakara is the biggest blow to the Catholic Church in Sheema district and indeed this gap can’t be easily covered.” Rev. Fr. Charles Mutabaruka who led the mass at Nyamitanga cathedral, Mbarara, said that Sheema district should kneel down to pray hard, such that God can quickly give them another Bashakara. Widow Nalongo Rose Bashakara, said that her husband has been fighting for politics of the Catholic Church.